Leukemia 101

This blog is for and dedicated to my mom Robin. Robin was diagnosed with Accute Myelogenous Leukemia on March 16th 2010. After some tests to find out the cause of her fatigue, it was revealed that she had a low hemoglobin level. upon further tests and a bone marrow biopsy doctors determined that she has Leukemia. So with that being said this is her story.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So over the last two weeks Mom has had five days of Chemo staring on the 22nd of January. This time she did have lots of side effects such as itchiness, redness and swelling of the hands and feet, infections, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach and such. These symptoms have begun to subside, they have been giving her Atavan to keep her from thowing up. They have kept her on antibiotics and she keeps running a temperature. Dad and the docs have been having to force her to eat since she has no appetite. She has lost another 15 lbs through this process. She has lost some of her zip and personality but has still been plugging along. They have been monitoring her to check for blood clots and fluid buildup. She has had 5 units of blood and 3 platelet transfusions since her blood count is so low. She is in the Nadar phase where her body is at its lowest point and, without tempting fate, she can only go up from here. Her sister Karen has been tested to see if she is a potential marrow donor, so the docs are discussing a transplant for her. Lots of stuff going on and lots more to come. This has been a really rough round and she really needs everyones love and prayers and good thoughts.

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